Levin Johnson Sothoron

** Census schedules & directories

See father’s Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.

Sothoron L. J. & Co. of Harrisburg, Ret. Liq. dealer, Abstract No. 235, tax $25.00. Division 17, Dist. 5, Maryland, for month of May 1865. (Ancestry.com* - images of U.S. IRS Tax Assessments Lists)

Levin I. Sothoron, home 14th west n P north, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1865)

L.J. Sothoron of Charlotte Hall, Division 11, Collection Dist. 5, Maryland, a "R. Merchant," was assessed taxes of $25.00.  (Ancestry.com* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List of May 1866, Pg 226, Ln 30)

1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.07.07) Fairfax Co. House, Falls Church Township, Fairfax Co., VA - Pg 31, Ln 5, 231/228

- Sothorons, Levin J. 27 year old white male Student, born in Md. Attended school within the year, is eligible to vote. Listed with other students.

1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.21) Columbian Grove District, Lunenburg Co., VA - ED 135, Pg 21 (241A), Ln 50, 107/188

- Sothoron, Rev. L. J. Head, 36 year old married white male minister. He & parents born in Maryland.

----, L. R. Wife, 33 year old married white female, keeping house. She & parents born in Maryland.

----, Annie. Daughter, 13 year old single white female, at school. She & parents born in Maryland. Attended school within the year.

----, Levin. Son, 8 year old single white male, at school. He & parents born in Maryland. Attended school within the year.

----, Richard. Son, 5 year old single white male. Born in Virginia, parents in Maryland.

----, Thomas. Son, 3 year old single white male. Born in Virginia, parents in Maryland.

----, Gracie. Daughter, 1 year old single white female. Born in Virginia, parents in Maryland.

- Pickett, Preston. 25 year old black male laborer. He & parents born in Virginia. Can neither read nor write.

- Hite, Lucy. 30 year old black female servant. She & parents born in Virginia. Can neither read nor write.

- Hicks, Edwin(?). 15 year old black male servant. He & parents born in Virginia. Can neither read nor write.

Levin J. Sothoron is residing at Forest Hill, MD. He was born in Maryland and became Deacon in 1872. (Ancestry.com* - Lloyd’s Clerical Directory for 1898)

1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.08) Precinct 3, District 4, Harford Co., MD - ED 148, Sh 7A (161A), Ln 28, 94/94

- Sothoron, Levin J. Head, 55 year old white male minister, born Sept 1844, married 35 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Renting his non-farm home.

----, Lydia R. Wife, 53 year old white female, born June 1846, married 35 years. Had 12 children, 8 still alive. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English.

----, Grace W. Daughter, 20 year old single white female, born Apr 1879. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English.

----, Pinckney L. Son, 15 year old single white male, in school 10 months, born May 1885. He & parents orn in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English.

----, Florence L. Daughter, 13 year old single white female, in school 10 months, born Feb 1887. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English.

1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.27) Precinct 4, District 3, Harford Co., MD - ED 103, Sh 6A (153A), Ln 22, 111/112

- Sothoron, Levin J. Head, 66 year old widowed white male. He & parent born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Clergyman, working for wages. Renting his non-farm home.

-----, Grace W. Daughter, 30 year old single white female. Born in Virginia, both parents in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation None.

1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.07) Reisterstown Road, District 4, Precinct 3, Baltimore Co., MD - ED 18, Sh 3B (232B), Ln 81, 59/62

- Southern, Rev. Levin J. Head, 75 year old married white male, renting his home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Priest in Episcopal Church, coded 839; payment “RT.”

-----, Grace W.. Daughter, 27 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none.

-----, Jack S.. Grandson, 3 1/12 year old single white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none.

-----, Foresta(?). Granddaughter,12 year old single white female. Attended school since last Sept.; can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none.

- Gough, Grace W. Granddaughter, 14 year old single white female. Attended school since last Sept.; can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none.

** Land records - Maryland

U.S. Stamp $0.50  Deed of 28 January 1865 by Levin J. Sothoron & wife Lydia R. of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $455 convey to Isaiah Canter of same county all of their interest in a one seventh part of tracts: part of Truman's Lot, part of the Inclosure (sic) with addition; part of hope; part of Burrough's Gift; in fee simple. Is same tract formerly owned by Horatio Canter late of same county, dec'd., deeded him by Ann P. Gardiner & others & recorded at LH#18:141. Signed by Levin J. Sothoron & Lydia R. Sothoron, witnessed by Geo. N. Alvey & Jas. H. Alvey. Certified same date, recorded 13 June 1865. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JAC#1:88)

U.S. Stamp $1.00 Deed of 26 November 1866 by Levin J. Sothoron & wife Lydia R. of St. Mary's Co. For $600 they convey to William S. Lion of same county all of their interest in a one seventh part of tracts: Truman's Lot, Littlesworth, Bruce's Neglect, and part of Sothoron's Hills, in fee simple, being same land Horatio Canter late of said county dec'd. purchased of William B. Sothoron, about 300 acres in all. Signed by L.J. Sothoron & Lydia R. Sothoron, witnessed by Geo. N. Alvey & Joseph S. Herbert. Certified same date, recorded 8 Jan 1867. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JAC#2:173)

Recorded at request of buyer. Isaiah Canter & Mary E. Canter his wife, Horatio Canter & Clara S.M. Canter his wife, William S. Lyon & Lucy A. Lyon his wife of St. Mary's Co., L. J. Sothoron & Lydia R. Sothoron his wife of St. Mary's Co., and James T. Sothoron & E.C. Sothoron his wife of Washington City D.C. sell for $150 to Henry A. Canter that part of the late Henry Canter's estate lying in the 9th District of Charles Co. near Old Field's Church, beginning at a point 8 yards south of a barn in a line between said property & that of Henry A. Canter's land, running straight southerly to point between said land & that of Ebenezer Haviland, it being the same land on west of said line laid off as Isabella Sothoron's portion by Jeremiah Dudley & Thos. Lovel arbitrators & also being same land sold by decree of County Circuit Court on 25 Feb 1881 by John H. Mitchell & Samuel Cox as trustees, & deeded by them to Josias H. Hancock as Isabella Sothoron's portion of said Henry Canter's estate, & from Hancock & wife to L.H. Canter. Signed by Isiah Canter, Mary E. Canter, Horatio Canter, Clara S. M. Canter, W.S. Lyon, Lucie A. Lyon, L.J. Sothoron, James T. Sothoron, E.C. Sothoron. Witnessed by D.M. Slye. (BGS#8:365, Charles Co., MD, 1885.10.20, Recorded 1885.11.20)

Isiah Canter & Mary E. his wife, Horatio Canter & Claudia B.M. his wife, W.B. Lyon & Lucy A. his wif L. J. Sothoron & L. R. his wife, James T. Sothoron & E. T. his wife deed to Gustavus Webster Lyon for $600, two lots totaling 100 acres. Location not clear. (Abstracts StM#6:422, St. Mary’s Co., 1885.11.18, Recorded 1886.02.04)

** Family & miscellaneous

Levin Sothoron, a student at Georgetown Lancaster School, Washington, DC,, was presented a medal. (Records of the Columbia Historical Society 25:22, 1858)

Rev. Levin J. Sothoron licensed in St. Mary’s Co., MD on 7 December 1863 to marry Lydia Rebecca Canter. (Brumbaugh* 1:392)

MARRIED. On Tuesday last [8 December], by the Rev. James Hoskins, Levin J. Southoron of Washington, D.C., to Miss Lydia Rebecca Canter of this county. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1863.12.10)

Per Reno*, the marriage of Levin J. Sothoron & Lydia Rebecca Canter occurred at All Faith Church, St. Mary's Co. on 8 December 1863.

A list of St. Mary’s Co. licenses, effective for one year as of 1 May, includes a Trader’s License for Levin J. Sothoron for “spiritous liquors,” the place of business being Harrisburg. Capital 1000. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1866.05.17)

Mentioned by name in birth & death records of several of his children; in those of his wife Lydia; in obituary of brother John B. F.; and in the obituary of his son in law Richard Gough (see respective Notes).

** Professional

Levin J. Sothoron, deceased, appears on a list of 1872 non-graduates at the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia. (History of The Theological Seminary in Virginia.., Section VII, Chapter III--Part 2, page 153)

Rev. Levin J. Sothoron was Rector of Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD from 1882 to 1892, succeeding Rev. L.H. Jackson. He then moved to Forest Hill, MD. (MD Hist Mag 1:329)

Rev. Mr. Sothoron of Trinity, Charles Co., will address a meeting of the Temperance Society in Mechanicsville the 27th inst. (St. Mary’s Beacon :3, Reported 1883.04.19)

At Charlotte Hall School commencement on 25 June the Last Mass was led by L. J. Sothoron. E. H. Sothoron was one of several students involved in commencement activities. Col. John H. Sothoron delivered the address to students in the absence of Joseph H. Key, Esq., the scheduled speaker. (St. Mary’s Beacon :3, Reported 1885.07.02)

Rev. Levin J. Sothoron attended the funeral of Rev. Dr. Martin Lewin, D.D., rector of Trinity Church, Upper Marlboro. (Wearmouth* 5:51 {Vol. XLII, No. 51}, Reported 1886.06.04)

Rev. L. J. Sothoron, rector Trinity Church, & Rev. Theodore Smoot, deacon of St. John’s Parish will exchange services. Sothoron, Christ Church, Accokeek, Holy Communion. Smoot at Old Fields Chapel. (Wearmouth* 5:180 {Vol. XLVIII, No. 38}, Reported 1892.02.26  Maryland)

Rev. L. J. Sothoron conducted marriage at Old Fields Church near Patuxent City, joining Vernon B. Pennington & Delia Robey. (Wearmouth* 5:216 {Vol. XLIX, No. 17}, Reported 1892.09.30)

Baptism on 2 August 1902 by Rev. L. J. Sothoron at Mrs. Richard Goughs, Charlotte. Parents Richard & Annie L. Gough. (Chron St. Mary’s 33:#5:2 {All Faith Parish Register :82}, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1985.05)

Richard Horatio Sothoron, 32 year old single White of St. Mary’s Co., married to Lillian Spencer Harrison, 32 year old single White of St. Mary’s Co., by L. J. Sothoron & H. W. Browne on 21 November 1906. (Nelson(1)* {270:170}, Charlotte Hall, St. Mary’s Co., MD)

Miss Elizabeth Pearl Roberts, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. H. F. Roberts, and Thomas Locke Sothoron, of Sparrows Point, Md., were married last night at the home of the bride. Rev. J. L. Sotaron, father of the groom, officiating. (Washington Post :5, Reported 1907.06.21)

** Death

Rev. Levin Johnson Sothoron, a widowed white male minister, 75 years & 7 months of age, died at 2 am on 12 April 1920 in Reisterstown, Baltimore Co., MD. He was born Sept 12, 1844 to Richard H. Sothoron & Susan Johnson, all born in Washington, DC. Informant was Miss Grace Sothoron of Reisterstown, MD.

- Cause of death was Bronchitis fill...(?) & General debility of one month’s duration, with Paracarditis & Hypostatic Paresis of 2 days’ duration being contributory. Certification was by Barry(?) Price, M.D. of Glyndon, MD, who attended the deceased from Apr. 5, 1920 until death, having last seen him alive the day before death.

- Burial was at Rock Spring Cemetery, Harford Co., Md, on April 14, 1920. (Certificate of Death, Registration No. 6216, Reg. Dist. No. 33)

Reverend Levin Johnson Sothoron died in Baltimore 0n 12 April 1920. Born in St. Mary's Co. on 12 September 1844. Buried in Harford Co.. (Fresco(1)* :274)


One of Old Ministers of Episcopal Church; Native of Washington.

Special to the Washington Post.

Baltimore, April 12--The Rev. Lenn Johnson Sothoron, 76 years old, one of the oldest ministers of the Episcopal Church, died today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ferguson Harrison, of St. Georges, Md., of pneumonia. Mr. Sothoron was born in Washington, D.C. and educated at Charlotte Hall Military Academy, and later was graduated from the Theological School of Alexandria, Va. He was rector of old Trinity Church, St.(sic) Charles Co., and of Christ Church, Rock Spring, Md., and was a member of Mount Ararat Lodge of Masons.

- He will be buried from Christ Church, Rock Spring, Md., where services will be conducted by Bishop Murray, assisted by the Rev. John I. Yellott. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ferguson Harrison and Miss Grace Sothoron, of St. Georges, Md., and Mrs. Richard Gough, of Wicomico, Md., and four sons, Dr. Levin J. and Richard Sothoron, of Charlotte Hall; J. Locke Sothoron, of Chester, Pa., and Pickney Sothoron, of Baltimore. (Washington Post :2, Reported 1920.04.13)

Rev. Lenn Johnson Sothoron died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ferguson Harrison, of St. George’s, Md, of pneumonia. He was from Reisterstown, Baltimore Co., and a Minister of the Episcopal Church. He was born in Washington. He was Rector of Old Trinity Church, Charles Co., and of Christ Church of Rock Spring, MD. Buried from Christ Church, Rock Spring, MD. Survived by 3 daughters and 4 sons, two of whom, Levin J. and Richard Sothoron, are residents of Charlotte Hall, this county. (Obit. has more info.) (Long* {(p. 5, col. 1}, Reported 1920.04.17)

Levin Johnson Sothoron died on 12 April 1920 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was born on 9-12-1844 in St. Mary’s Co., MD to Susan M. Johnson & John Richard Sothoron [NOTE: see 1864.01.11]. He married Lydia Rebecca Canter (born 6-27-1846 in St. Mary’s Co., died 6-24-1905 at Forest Hill, MD) on 12-8-1863. (DAR Application of Julia Sothoron Buddington*)

In Memory of


Beloved Rector of

Christ Church

Died April 12, 1920

Aged 76 years

Father in Thy gracious


Leave we now thy

Servant sleeping.


Grave Marker, Christ Episcopal Church, Rock Spring, Harford Co., MD.  (WHS*)


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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.